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Ficciones (Jorge Luis Borges) - 「ボルヘス伝奇集」- 125冊目

ジャンル: 小説(ファンタジー)
英語難易度: ★★★
オススメ度: ★★★☆☆

ボルヘスの「伝奇集」。 (1944年発刊)
自分はまだボルヘスを読む力量に達していないことを確認するために読んだようなものでした。 ベースとなる西洋文学の知識が無いと、なにがオマージュだったりパロディだったりするのかがさっぱり分からない。例えば「Pierre Menard, Author of the Quixote」。 これなどは、セルバンテスの「ドン・キホーテ」を先に読んでいないと、どこまでがオリジナルでどこからがボルヘスの創作かが分からない。 語彙もかなり難しく読み終えるのに苦労しました。

● Tlon, Uqbar, Orbis Tertius

Russell (The Analysis of Mind, 1921, page 159) conjectures that our planet was created a few moments ago, and provided with a humanity which “remembers” an illusory past.

● The Library of Babel
奇妙な味のする迷宮。 文字の数だけ決まっている意味のない記号の羅列。

Five shelves correspond to each one of the walls of each hexagon; each shelf contains thirty-two books of a uniform format; each book is made up of four hundred and ten pages; each page, of forty lines; each line, of some eighty black letters. There are also letters on the spine of each book; these letters do not indicate or prefigure what the pages will say.
All this, I repeat, is true; but four hundred and ten pages of unvarying MCVs do not correspond to any language, however dialectical or rudimentary it might be.


● Funes the Memorious

全てを記憶してしまう男、フネス。 そしてその記憶を消すことができず、ただ蓄積するのみ。

He told me that the boy above us in the pass was a certain Ireneo Funes, renowned for a number of eccentricities, such as that of having nothing to do with people and of always knowing the time, like a watch.

以下のくだりは、グループ化された一つの概念を記号として人工知能に定義づけをする事の難しさに似ていると感じた。フネスは全てを記憶することができる。 しかし、 3:14分に横から見た「犬」と、3:15に前から見た「犬」が同一であると認識できない。そもそも、どういう条件が揃えば「犬」と認識するのか。 そしてそれは「猫」とどのように区別するのか。 映画「レインマン」のエピソードで知られるサヴァン症候群を思い出す。 全てを記憶できる事と深い思考ができる事とは別物。 結局、知性とは大量の具体的事例から必要ないものを捨象して抽象化を行うことなのか。

It was not only difficult for him to understand that the generic term dog embraced so many unlike specimens of differing sizes and different forms; he was disturbed by the fact that a dog at three-fourteen (seen in profile) should have the same name as the dog at three-fifteen (seen from the front).

Without effort, he had learned English, French, Portuguese, Latin. I suspect, nevertheless, that he was not very capable of thought. To think is to forget a difference, to generalize, to abstract. In the overly replete world of Funes there were nothing but details, almost contiguous details.

● The South

Avid to examine this find, he did not wait for the elevator but hurried up the stairs. In the obscurity, something brushed by his forehead: a bat, a bird? On the face of the woman who opened the door to him he saw horror engraved, and the hand he wiped across his face came away red with blood. The edge of a recently painted door which someone had forgotten to close had caused this wound. Dahlmann was able to fall asleep, but from the moment he awoke at dawn the savor of all things was atrociously poignant.





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