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The Code Book (Simon Singh) - 「暗号解読」- 199冊目

ジャンル: サイエンス・ロジック
英語難易度: ★★☆
オススメ度: ★★★★☆

うーん、安定の面白さ! サイモン・シンの科学面白本第2弾は「The Code Book」です。
サイモン・シンの著作が比類なく素晴らしい点は、どの著作も専門知識のないシロートさんに対しても知的好奇心を120%満たして満足させてくれるところ。 読むと「賢くなった」と勘違いしてしまいそう。 それも全て著者の筆力によるものと思います。 読み終わった後は、ますます「知の大海原」に漕ぎだしたくなります。


Enigma was considered invulnerable, until the Poles revealed its weaknesses.

In fact, Britain had captured thousands of Enigma machines, and distributed them among its former colonies, who believed that the cipher was as secure as it had seemed to the Germans. The British did nothing to disabuse them of this belief, and routinely deciphered their secret communications in the years that followed.
The German military were equally unenthusiastic, because they were oblivious to the damage caused by their insecure ciphers during the Great War. For example, they had been led to believe that the Zimmermann telegram had been stolen by American spies in Mexico, and so they blamed that failure on Mexican security. They still did not realize that the telegram had in fact been intercepted and deciphered by the British, and that the Zimmermann debacle was actually a failure of German cryptography.



Alan Turing was another cryptanalyst who did not live long enough to receive any public recognition. Instead of being acclaimed a hero, he was persecuted for his homosexuality. In 1952, while reporting a burglary to the police, he naively revealed that he was having a homosexual relationship. The police felt they had no option but to arrest and charge him with “Gross Indecency contrary to Section 11 of the Criminal Law Amendment Act 1885.” The newspapers reported the subsequent trial and conviction, and Turing was publicly humiliated. Turing’s secret had been exposed, and his sexuality was now public knowledge. The British Government withdrew his security clearance. He was forbidden to work on research projects relating to the development of the computer. He was forced to consult a psychiatrist and had to undergo hormone treatment, which made him impotent and obese. Over the next two years he became severely depressed, and on June 7, 1954, he went to his bedroom, carrying with him a jar of cyanide solution and an apple. Twenty years earlier he had chanted the rhyme of the Wicked Witch: “Dip the apple in the brew, Let the sleeping death seep through.” Now he was ready to obey her incantation. He dipped the apple in the cyanide and took several bites. At the age of just forty-two, one of the true geniuses of cryptanalysis committed suicide.

● 現在、一般的に使用されているRSA暗号公開鍵暗号についても、本作である程度、理解を深めることができました。 (現在も広く利用されている電子署名システムはこの原理の応用だそうです。)

if N is large enough, it is virtually impossible to deduce p and q from N, and this is perhaps the most beautiful and elegant aspect of the RSA asymmetric cipher.


で、掛ける時の鍵は公開する、つまり仮に盗まれても大丈夫な鍵を相手に知らせて、それを解く時には自分しか知らない秘密鍵を使うというものです。 難しいのは、この二つの鍵が全く無関係であれば、そもそも成り立たないという点です。つまり、公開鍵で暗号を掛けるのは簡単だけど、その同じ鍵で暗号を解くのはとても難しいが別の鍵を使えば簡単に解けるという仕組みを作らなければなりません。

そこで数学で習った素因数分解の登場です。 例えば、今、323という数字があったとします。 たった3桁ですが、これを素数に分解しようとすると、まず小さい素数である2から順に3, 5, 7,11と総当たり戦の力技で割り算を試してみる他はありません。 この桁数を激しく増やした場合にはその割り算の計算はとても困難なものとなるのは明らかですよね。 で、上の答えは17X19なのですが、こちらから積である323を出すのはとても簡単です。 桁数がもっと増えたとしても、紙の上での筆算でも計算できるレベルです。

つまり、二つの鍵の関係性で、ある一方の方向への計算はとても難しいのにその逆はとても簡単である、という性質を利用して作られたのが公開鍵暗号です。この場合、公開鍵は積の結果である323であり、暗号鍵は17と19に当たります。 323を使って暗号化はできますが、これを解くには素数の要素である17と19を知らなければ解けないという仕組みです。 (これはホントに概念だけの例え話で、実際の更なる暗号化のところはもっと難しいんで割愛します😅)

シャーロック・ホームズの「Dancing Men (踊る人形)」でも有名である、古典的な暗号方法も紹介。 その解法とは使用頻度をベースにした確率による計算を行って、ジグソーパズルのピースを一つずつ埋めていく作業だった。

One way to solve an encrypted message, if we know its language, is to find a different plaintext of the same language long enough to fill one sheet or so, and then we count the occurrences of each letter. We call the most frequently occurring letter the “first,” the next most occurring letter the “second,” the following most occurring letter the “third,” and so on, until we account for all the different letters in the plaintext sample.

ちなみに、邦訳は「Fermat’s Last Theorem 」(197冊目)と同じく青木薫さんです。

The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography

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