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Discourse on the Method (Rene Descartes) - 「方法序説」-122冊目

ジャンル: 哲学
オススメ度: ★★☆☆☆

デカルトです。 哲学書にも挑戦してみました。 これまで難解な本は避けようとする恥の多い生涯を送ってきたのですが、この「方法序説」は英訳で再読してもよいかなと。 というのも、むかし岩波文庫で読んだ時に「ああ、分かる、(と言うか分かる気がする!!)」と思えた経験があったからです。 「 決して譲れないポイントを押さえさえすれば、あとは良識に従えばオッケー」とか、「分析のアプローチを4ステップで進める冴えたやり方」とか… 難解な本というイメージの割には、「しっくりくるなあ」との思いがありました。 また現代医学から見ればトンデモ本のような生理学理論(心臓が蒸気機関のように熱運動で動いてるとか)もあり、結構おもしろかったですね。
ちなみにこの「方法序説」、正式タイトルは「A DISCOURSE OF A METHOD, For the well-guiding of Reason; and The discovery of Truth in the SCIENCES」だそうです。 自然科学研究を志す方々には、心構えの点で必読書なんでしょうね。(1637年発刊)

● 英文読了記念に、有名なライン「コギト・エルゴ・スム (Cogito, ergo sum)」の辺り、とりあえず置いておきますね。

But presently after I observ’d, that whilst I would think that all was false, it must necessarily follow, that I who thought it, must be something. And perceiving that this Truth, I think, therefore, I am, was so firm and certain, that all the most extravagant suppositions of the Scepticks was not able to shake it, I judg’d that I might receive it without scruple for the first principle of the Philosophy I sought.

● 参考になったのは、物事を探求する方法論として4段階のアプローチ(明証、分析、総合、枚挙/吟味)を提言しました。 これも有名です。

The first was, never to receive any thing for true, but what I evidently knew to be so; that’s to say, carefully to avoid precipitation and prevention, and to admit nothing more into my judgment, but what should so clearly and distinctly present it self to my mind, that I could have no reason to doubt of it.

The second, to divide every one of these difficulties, which I was to examine into as many parcels as could be, and, as was requisite the better to resolve them.

The third, to lead my thoughts in order, beginning by the most simple objects, and the easiest to be known; to rise by little and little, as by steps, even to the knowledg of the most mix; and even supposing an order among those which naturally doe not precede one the other.

And the last, to make every where such exact calculations, and such generall reviews, that I might be confident to have omitted nothing.

● 先人たちの知恵に学ぶ。 ニュートンさんも似たようなこと、言ってましたね。

That the reading of good books, is like the conversation with the honestest persons of the past age, who were the Authors of them, and even a studyed conversation, wherein they discover to us the best only of their thoughts.

● 中庸の大切さ。長い間、過去の歴史を経て残ってきた習慣やルールはそれなりの意味があるはず。 良識とはそういうもの。

The first was to obey the laws and customs of my Country, constantly adhering to that Religion wherein by the grace of God I had from mine infancy bin bred. And in all other things behaving my self according to the most moderate opinions and those which were farthest from excesse, which were commonly received in practice by the most judicious Men, amongst whom I was to live:

重要でないのはほっとけばいい。どうでもいいことに神経質にこだわる人がたまにいますが、致命的でなければ抗わずに合わせておこうと思います。 これは大事。 この題材、現代のビジネス本にも使えそうです。
あんまり関係ないですが、「デカンショ節」って、デカルト・カント・ショーペンハウアーの三哲人をもじった学生歌だって最近知りました。 トリビア〜…

Discourse on the Method (English Edition)

Discourse on the Method (English Edition)

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